Clifton Scannell Emerson Associates (CSEA) were retained by Fingal County Council and Green Property Ltd. to prepare a full SATURN model for the greater Blanchardstown Catchment capable of assessing the impacts of detailed road proposals for the catchment and public transport proposals and various developments scenarios for the Blanchardstown Town Centre Masterplan. The model was required to be compatible with the DTO (NTA) Greater Dublin Area Transport Model.
The model informed the Blanchardstown Centre Masterplan including:
- The development of roads and sustainable transport proposals including the proposed N3 Mulhuddart and Snugborough Interchange upgrade improvements.
- Providing a framework for the delivery of the necessary transport infrastructure to allow for the development of the Blanchardstown Catchment and Town Centre (i.e. an 80% increase in retail space).
The Masterplan was developed to serve as a guide to the future development of the Blanchardstown Town Centre and included input by CSEA into sections on car parking, and transportation (car, public transport, walking and cycling).The Blanchardstown Town Centre Masterplan was adopted by Fingal County Council in 2006.
CSEA has played a key role in the masterplanning for the further development of the Blanchardstown Town Centre in conjunction with Green Property Ltd and Fingal County Council.
Our input has included:
- Transport modeling
- Urban Design Input
- Strategic input
- Proposals for the upgrade of the N3 Mulhuddart Interchange
- Foul, surface water catchment analysis and masterplan