The Ashbourne Main Street Refurbishment is Phase 1 of a proposed phased development in providing a cycle network through and around Ashbourne. Meath County Council seeks to provide town centre improvements to Ashbourne which is to include the following:
- The introduction of new on road cycle lanes leading in both directions through the main street
- Public realm upgrade including the upgrade of existing footpaths and the provision of street landscaping, bus shelters, benches and bins
- Carriageway upgrade inclusive of surfacing and kerb lines
- Provision of road signage and road markings
- Revised parking layout
- New public lighting scheme
- Upgrade of existing surface water drainage
- Undergrounding of all overhead ESB power cables
- Road safety improvements including the upgrade of signalised junctions and toucan facilities and the introduction of two new toucan crossings
- All associated site works as necessary to complete the scheme
Clifton Scannell Emerson Associates (CSEA) were appointed by Meath County Council at Project Inception to carry out feasibility, preliminary design, statutory approvals, detailed design, tender, and acting as Employers Representative for the construction stage and PSDP.
The works are scheduled to commence in March 2014.