Clifton Scannell Emerson Associates (CSEA) are involved in the scheme from Project Concept to Tender Stage and acted as Designer and PSDP. The engineering consultancy and design services provided include: development of a concept design, options selection, preliminary design, Part 8 public display, detailed design, production of tender documentation.
The cycle route is identified as Primary Route 9A in the NTA Greater Dublin Area Cycle Network. The objective of the scheme is to provide for a safe, coherent, and attractive route with a high Quality of Service that can offer communities along the route a realistic and sustainable alternative mode of travel.
The route extends for a distance of 3.5km from Tallaght Village along the N81 to the County Boundary at Bushy Park. The scheme comprises new cycle tracks, upgrading of existing cyclist facilities and improved pedestrian facilities, particularly at junctions. The scheme is currently on statutory public display.