Clifton Scannell Emerson Associates (CSEA) were appointed as consulting engineers for the detailed design, tender and construction of an integrated cycle and pedestrian network in the Ongar, Castaheany and Phibblestown areas of Dublin 15. The works included new and improved on and off-road cycle tracks, improved pedestrian facilities, new toucan and pedestrian crossings, and alterations to the road layout and roundabouts. Much of these works were outside 3 school campuses. Over a kilometre of new and improved shared tracks in public open space areas were also included. The works were approximately 4 kilometres in length in total.
These works were designed using the National Cycle Manual, 2011, the updated Traffic Signs Manual, 2010, and other relevant standards and guidelines. 2 No. existing roundabouts were retro-fitted to a new layout, which was one of the roundabout designs introduced in the National Cycle Manual. When these roundabouts were constructed in mid 2013, they were the first in Ireland to be completed to this new design. Feedback to date has been very positive in particular from local Councillors and local School Principals.