This development consisted of complex of 3-storey residential apartment Buildings on the Belfield Campus. The project was designed within a village theme under a Design and Build Contract with Pierse Contracting, and was the first of it's type on the Belfield Campus.
It featured five landscaped squares around which the buildings are constructed thus reinforcing the sense of village life and shared community enclave. The development was undertaken on a challenging sloping site. The buildings were constructed in load-bearing Forticrete blockwork and precast concrete using an elevational treatment which featured a number of the Forticrete special masonry units. Each floor of the residences has six bedrooms with two common kitchen/dining/lounge areas on either side of the entrance Lobby and Staircase. Bedrooms are located off adjacent corridors. Laundry and retail facilities were also incorporated in the development. Landscaping features included tree lined walks and a footbridge with sculptures prominently located.