Clifton Scannell Emerson Associates (CSEA) were appointed by IDA Ireland to undertake a site selection process to identify and assess the development potential of a substantial land bank in the Dundalk area and acted as project managers for this project.
Upon completion of the site selection CSEA were retained by IDA Ireland as project managers to masterplan and attain planning for a 110-Acre Industrial Park. This was successfully attained in 1999.
IDA Ireland determined that the site would be marketed to attract major Bio-Pharma industries.
Access and services to be put in place to provide for this type of Business.
Works included the development of a 9m wide industrial access road linking to the N52 national route by a 60m inscribed circle diameter roundabout.
Services constructed include a twin 400mm diameter watermain, a 375mm foul sewer, 4.0km of surface water drainage up to 1200mm diameter, Ducting for 110kV and Medium Voltage power supply and provision for multiple telecommunications networks.
The construction contract was undertaken between November 2006 and June 2008.
CSEA were Project Managers, Civil and Structural engineers and Contract Managers.