Clifton Scannell Emerson Associates (CSEA) was appointed by a private developer to prepare an Environmental Impact Statement (EIS) for submission as part of a planning application to develop 49 Hectares at their lands in Piercetown, Co. Meath. The proposed development would include 119,893m2 of development providing employment for up to 4,000 people.
A particular difficulty with the site was the availability of treatment capacity in the Dublin City sewerage system. Thus as part of the proposal treatment of sewerage would be undertaken on site and the effluent pumped to the public sewerage system where adequate hydraulic capacity existed.
CSEA managed the preparation of the EIS and engaged a range of specialists including Air and Noise Specialists, Ecologist, Archaeologist, Hydrologist, Hydro geologist and Landscape Architect. CSEA provided expertise in relation to material assets (water services and utilities), flood risk, traffic and construction process/impact.