Clifton Scannell Emerson Associates (CSEA) were appointed by South Dublin County Council to carry out the preliminary design on the Dodder Green Route from Dodder Valley Park on the Firhouse Road to Orwell Park in Rathfarnham. The route, designed to facilitate pedestrians and cyclists, included widening of existing paths through park areas, on street path widening, vehicular junction upgrades and the design of 4 no. pedestrian and cycle bridges over the River Dodder.
As part of the project SDCC sought to ensure that the local environment would not be adversely affected by the proposed scheme. CSEA procured the services of an Environmental Specialist to prepare an Appropriate Assessment Screening Report for the scheme. Particular attention was paid to the zone in which the proposed Natural Heritage Area (pNHA) was to be traversed. CSEA managed an environmental assessment of the scheme which included an Ecological Survey, Tree Survey, Flora and Fauna Survey and Badger and Otter Survey in order for the Appropriate Assessment Screening Report to be completed.
In order to ensure that the scheme is properly integrated with the surrounding environs, CSEA with the expertise of their landscape architect, developed a landscape plan to identify areas where existing planting could be augmented and that the species used would be appropriate.