Fingal County Council appointed Clifton Scannell Emerson Associates (CSEA) to undertake an assessment of historical flood events in the Grange area of South Malahide. The historical flood events affected a number of residential properties located along the surface water network and the River Sluice.
CSEA undertook a study of the 127 Hectare catchment of the surface water network and designed an offline flood detention pond to intercept flood flows during extreme rainfall events. The pond retains up to 4,000m3 of water and caters for the 0.1% Annual Exceedance Probability (AEP) Event. Outflow is controlled by a vortex flow control and oil interceptor is incorporated into the system to improve water quality. The pond has been landscaped to integrate it with its rural surroundings.
CSEA provided a full engineering consultancy service on this project including preliminary design, detailed design, procurement and contract administration. In addition CSEA acted as Project Supervisor Design Process in accordance with the requirements of the Safety Health and Welfare at Work regulations. The scheme was completed in July 2103.