Further to a tender competition Clifton Scannell Emerson Associates (CSEA) were appointed to undertake a feasibility study to determine the best value option to increase the capacity of sewerage infrastructure in south Malahide. The existing network includes sections of separate and combined sewer and a pumping station which currently delivers a dry weather flow of 600m3/day. The study undertaken by CSEA identified network constraints and reviewed options for diverting flows and potential infrastructure upgrades. The recommended upgrade includes the duplication of a section of combined sewer in order to separate foul and surface water flows and the diversion of a pumped flow to the newly separate system. Further to completion of the study detailed design is being undertaken for the upgrade of a pumping station, construction of a section of rising main and the separation of a section of combined sewer.
The services provided by CSEA include a review of existing records and reports, procuring and analysing flow monitoring, building a network model in WinDES and hydraulic analysis of a number of design options incorporating separate, combined and pumped mains. CSEA are providing the required construction drawings and documentation to Fingal County Council for the works to be undertaken by direct labour crews. CSEA are also acting as PSDP and Designer (TTM) for traffic management design.