Grange Castle Business Park is a 200 hectares (500 acres) business park located in Clondalkin, Dublin 22. It is being developed as a high quality Business Park, with four facilities on site to date (Pfizer, Takeda, Microsoft and Cuisine de France). The Park is designed in a low-density campus style format.
Clifton Scannell Emerson Associates (CSEA) have been involved in the development of Grange Castle Business Park since 2000 and have administrated 6 no. Construction Contracts in addition to developing a Masterplan and an EIS for the Park during this period.
These Contracts are as follows:
Attenuation Lake
Construction of a split level attenuation lake with an RC water fountain pumping station, associated access road and services.
Roads and services extension
Construction of a 70m ICD roundabout, 400m of 9m single carriageway, 100m of 7m dual carriageway, 800m of double circuit 110kV ESB ducting, extension of MV&LV ducting, 200mmØ watermain, 250mmØ gasmain, 16-way telecom ducting and public lighting and the installation of a 30m long 5m x 3m pin arch culvert.
Foul Pumping Station
3km of rising mains, 100mmØ, 200mmØ and 450mmØ mains in parallel, 750m of 600mmØ gravity sewer, Construction of an RC foul pumping station comprised an underground dry well (5.5m x 11m) and two wet wells (5.5m x 16m each) of max depth 8.5m below ground and a superstructure of max height 5.5m above ground. Construction of a 6m wide access road and associated utilities and services to the pump station inclusive of a 4 x 2.5 precast concrete box culvert.
Griffeen River diversion
2km of open cut channel river cross-section, the construction of 5 no. 6m x 2.5m insitu culvert river crossings and a precast overflow culvert through the Grand Canal. All works were designed and constructed in close liaison with the Eastern Regional Fisheries Board.
Roads and Services Extension
The construction of 900m of 9m single carriageway inclusive of a 48m ICD roundabout, 1250m of services (Surface Water, Foul Sewer, ESB, Telecom, Gas, Watermain, Public Lighting and CCTV), 150m of road widening and the construction of a bus terminus.
CCTV Installation
The installation of 38 no. fully functional, fixed and vehicle recognition cameras operated over a varied core fibre cable ranging from 8 to 48 cores. All associated ESB links and head end equipment and controls.