The N53 Road Improvement Scheme – Barronstown to Newtownbalregan scheme involved improvement of 3.5km sub-standard rural road to the NRA Type 3 Standard Single Carriageway. This scheme is designed to improve the safety aspect of the route.
Clifton Scannell Emerson Associates was appointed by Louth County Council to carry out the Preliminary Design, Part VIII Planning, Detailed Design, Pre-Qualification, CPO Process, Tender documentation, Construction management and the role of PSDP of the proposed scheme.
The Project consists of the following elements: -
- Construction of 3.5km of 7.0m wide carriageway with associated hard strip & grass verge from a point approximately 750m West of Callan's Public House to a point of 350m West of the Court Road Junction
- Upgrade existing side roads approaching to the realigned N53 and junctions improvement
- Construction of a cattle underpass
- Associated accommodations works
- Signage, landscaping, safety barriers, accommodation works and all road furniture associated with the above works
The project was tendered in May 2011 using the new government contract PW-05 "Contract for Minor Building & Civil Engineering Works Design by the Employer", with the contract award to Gibson Bros (Ireland) Ltd in August 2011. The works on-site commenced in August 2011. The project was substantially completed in November 2012.