The N3 Mulhuddart Interchange Upgrade is designed to provide more efficient access between the N3 National Route and the surrounding Blanchardstown and Mulhuddart areas, including the Blanchardstown Town Centre. The scheme has been designed to improve facilities and safety for all modes
Clifton Scannell Emerson Associates (CSEA) was appointed by Fingal County Council to carry out the Preliminary Design, Part VIII Planning, Detailed Design, Pre-Qualification, Tender documentation, Construction management and the role of PSDP, Designer, and Employers Representative during construction stage.
The Project consisted of the following elements:
- Construction of a new 4-span vehicular overbridge across the N3 National Route;
- Construction of a new interchange loop from the new bridge on to the N3 inbound;
- Widening of all approaches to the Mulhuddart Interchange;
- Upgrade existing roundabout junctions to new signalised junctions;
- Upgrade the intersection between the R121 Old Navan Road and the N3 Eastbound off ramp from a priority junction to a signalised junction;
- New bus-only link connecting Blanchardstown Town Centre Bus Interchange to the south side of the Mulhuddart Interchange via roundabout at the Crown Plaza Hotel (this will facilitate the future Blanchardstown to UCD BRT Scheme);
- Improved facilities for pedestrians and cyclists throughout the interchange;
- Existing Interchange Bridge is retained. The lane configuration changed to a 3 lanes carriageway with a single directional flow;
- Realign both N3 Eastbound on and off ramps.
The project was tendered in May 2012 with the contract award to BAM Civil Ltd in August 2012. The works on-site commenced in September 2012. The provision of the new bridge, signalised junctions and the subsequent introduction of one-way traffic on each bridge has significantly improved the level of service and safety for pedestrians and cyclists while improving vehicular linkages between Mulhuddart/Ballycoolin to the north of the N3 and Blanchardstown/Clonsilla to the south of the N3.
The project was completed in September 2013 - four months ahead of programme. The contract had been carried out successfully with no major disruption to the public. The overall contract was well managed with the final cost of 9% below planned budget.