- 2km of dual carriageway and 1.3 km of single carriageway distributor road
- 3 No. 1000 dia. Ductile Iron (DI) Fingal County Council watermains.
- Preliminary Design
- Part 8
- Design, tender, construction supervision and contract administration
Additional services laid in parallel to the 1000 dia. Watermains were a 900 Dia. 70 bar pressure gas transmission main crossing the road, 2 No. 315 Dia. Distribution gas mains, 3 No. ESB 110kV underground duct systems, ESB low voltage cables, Eircom, Esat, Cable and Wireless, and T50 Broadband Networks.
The scheme included upgrade of all pipework exiting the Ballycoolin reservoir inclusive of actuated valves, air valves, magflow meters and upgrade of the existing control Kiosk at the reservoir.